EPTE Therapy

EPTE therapy

EPTE (Ultrasound-Guided PercuTane Electrolysis) is a new treatment method for long-term or difficult-to-recover tendon complaints. This may include Achilles tendon complaints, heel spurs or tennis elbow. Scientific research has proven that EPTE has good effects for this type of tendon complaints. In addition to the treatment process with EPTE, it is important that you practice using an exercise program.

To get a good picture of the complaints, an assessment of the severity of the complaints is made using ultrasound. The ultrasound then determines the exact location where the EPTE needle should be inserted. The skin is disinfected and the correct location is punctured under ultrasound guidance. After this, a light electric current will be applied for one to two minutes. This current is the stimulating stimulus for the tendon to calm the inflammation and restart natural recovery.

EPTE therapie Amsterdam

EPTE therapy

EPTE (Ultrasound-Guided PercuTane Electrolysis) is a new treatment method for long-term or difficult-to-recover tendon complaints. This may include Achilles tendon complaints, heel spurs or tennis elbow. Scientific research has proven that EPTE has good effects for this type of tendon complaints. In addition to the treatment process with EPTE, it is important that you practice using an exercise program.

To get a good picture of the complaints, an assessment of the severity of the complaints is made using ultrasound. The ultrasound then determines the exact location where the EPTE needle should be inserted. The skin is disinfected and the correct location is punctured under ultrasound guidance. After this, a light electric current will be applied for one to two minutes. This current is the stimulating stimulus for the tendon to calm the inflammation and restart natural recovery.

EPTE therapie Amsterdam

Complaints for EPTE Therapy

EPTE therapy is a good treatment method if you suffer from one or more of the following complaints:

• Heel spur (plantar fasciitis)
• Achilles tendon complaints (Achilles tendonopathy)
• Tennis elbow (epicondylitis lateralis)
• Shoulder complaints (subscapularis tendinopathy)
• Knee tendon problems (jumper’s knee)

Benefits of EPTE therapy

• No damage or negative side effects like with injections;
• Short-term treatment of 1-2 minutes per session;
• Few treatments required;
• The treatment is virtually pain-free;
• EPTE treatment is covered by your supplementary insurance for physiotherapy.

An EPTE treatment program of 5 to 10 treatments is the most effective. You will experience a significant reduction in pain and even a completely pain-free recovery is achievable

Looking for EPTE therapy in Amsterdam?

Make an appointment with one of our physiotherapists and visit us today.
